Want more information on how to join the KS101 team? Kitchen Survival is a food collective website that features some of the most unique and interesting foodies, bloggers, chefs and home cooks. Our team of contributors is already diverse, but we are always looking for enthusiasm and fresh perspectives.
Your Qualities
- The time and commitments to be a regular contributor
- Strong writing and/or blogging skills, with documented examples
- A passion and interest in food and/or drink
- Strong photography skills and access to a good camera
- A strong opinion, a unique voice and a witty or sardonic sense of humor
Submission Guidelines
First Timers
All interested writers must be willing to submit an initial article with accompanying images, and any relevant sources, as well as a proposed username, area of focus, head shot, and brief one to two sentence description of their food writing voice. Initial articles can be submitted via our online submission form. Please include a proposed article submission schedule that will work for you (i.e. one article a week, one article a month, etc.). Please take a minute to review the writer descriptions on our About page to get a sense of how we structure our writer bios.
We do not guarantee that your article will be published, but you will get a response from us.
The title and summary of your piece should clearly describe your topic and tone of voice. Keep your piece concise and related to the title without veering off topic. Whether you are sharing a stellar recipe or reviewing your favorite kitchen gadget, relating a food experience that you barely survived or just experienced the most amazing dining experience ever – you must be able to capture and maintain your audiences interest and attention.
Your content must be original. Re-purposing someone else’s content is considered plagiarism and is illegal. Don’t do it. If any content on Kitchen Survival points to plagiarism, the article will be immediately removed and the writer will lose access privileges to the website.
If you are providing a recipe you must be able to guarantee the recipe is an original or provide a back link to your source with appropriate credit.
All submissions must be accompanied by at least one image. The image should represent the topic at hand. If you are posting a recipe for jalapeno jelly, you should provide a photo of the jelly or the process of making the jelly. Horizontal images should be at least 600px wide, and vertical images should be at least 600px high.
You must have the rights to use the image. Ideally, we would prefer that you provide your own high quality images. If you must use stock images, be sure that you understand the limits of use and have either paid for or met the requirements outlined by the stock image provider. If a post is discovered to be using an image without the proper rights to it, the post will be removed.
Eat It – Dining reviews, restaurant reviews, food item reviews, new ingredient reviews, etc fall into this category.
Drink It – Any articles about beer,wine, cocktails,and non-alcoholic beverages fall into this category, as well as bar reviews.
Cook It – Recipes, cooking instruction, cooking technique or the exploration of cooking definitions fall into this category.
Survive It – The category for those not-so-savory dining experiences, near misses, food-related traumas and “never again” situations.
Like It – This category covers the best of the best – rave reviews, outstanding dining experiences and incredible recipes.
Go There – This category is for restaurants you have eaten at and would recommend for a visit.
Old School – Reserved for the most archaic of hand-me-down family recipes, this category should hop back at least two generations and feature recipes that have fallen off the radar in the modern dining culture.
The editors review all articles published on this website and have final editorial voice. We make every effort to not alter your voice, but will make edits for grammatical flow or layout asthetics, or edit titles and tags for better SEO visibility. Please contact us if you have any questions about the editorial process.